Bid opening for Police Motorcycle Headsets and Microphones
The City of Panama City Beach hereby solicits sealed bids for the following equipment:
- (8) Eight FREEDOM helmet kits with wireless system control (Model #PVHKR-736R10-D/G3) for use with a super seer half-shell helmet (dual earphone)
- (8) Eight FREEDOM speaker microphones with wireless system control (Model #PVSM-APX/G3), portable operation for Motorola APX series radios
- (6) Six FREEDOM wireless Motor Kits (PV-H-WW/G3); portable operation for Harley Davidson and Victory motorcycles with PA interface to a Whelen siren.
- Warranty
- Shipping
Please include a price for individual units in case the funding becomes limited.
Bids must be sealed and will be received until 12:00 p.m. (noon) Central Time, January 18, 2017 at the City of Panama Beach Police Department, Attn: Lieutenant Danny McDonald, 17115 Panama City Beach Parkway, Panama City Beach, Florida, 32413, and will be opened and read publicly immediately thereafter.